Sunday, January 12, 2014

How I Got Here

Hello to all who are reading this! Most likely, you are my family, friends, or relatives. But to anyone who doesn't fit into these categories, welcome! My name is Jennifer, and I'm a junior in college. Oh, and in less than a week I will be embarking on the biggest journey of my life. Starting January 18th, I will be studying abroad in the UK, specifically at the University of Leeds in England.

Honestly, this was an adventure I thought I would never personally experience. Three of my friends (you know who you are) had study abroad experiences of their own, but I had never taken the idea of doing it myself to heart. I mean, for a girl who had never traveled outside of California--no joke--wouldn't that be too big of a leap? It also helped believing that my parents wouldn't let me go, as well as the whole money issue. There was also the potential risk on my well-being. So I never gave myself the possibility of going.

But then, my friend Alyssa got me thinking. It started back in freshmen year of college. Alyssa and I, as well as a couple of our other friends, decided to go to a study abroad seminar, where a couple people who had come back from their trips presented their experiences and answered any questions we had. Boy, did that ignite the spark in that girl. I mean, when you listen to her talk about studying abroad, it almost seems as if she was a returnee. This seminar was the moment she decided she was going to make studying abroad happen for herself, no matter what. And when she gets an idea in her head, she sticks with it and makes it happen.

And I have to admit, I was a little inspired after that meeting as well. Imagining yourself in the returnees' shoes inevitably gets you excited. But still, I didn't feel that it was a possibility. Reasons abounded in my head:

What about the cost? There's no way I (aka: my parents) could afford that. And what about getting the classes from abroad to transfer back to my school? Would my parents even let me go? Could I even do it?

And there was the major question. Psychology 101: Even if someone has the ability to do something, if the person does not have self-efficacy, or the belief that they can do something, they won't even attempt it. And that was my problem. 

However, the minute Alyssa saw that I was interested, she set out to make sure I didn't limit myself. This amounted to denouncing all of my doubts and stereotypes about studying abroad, and why I'm in the position that I'm in today. If it wasn't for her, I would have never had the courage to embark on this journey that will surely be a life-changing experience in ways I can't imagine.

So Alyssa (I know you're reading this), thank you. I wouldn't be doing this without you, and I'm so excited to begin our journey together across the pond.

So, moral of the story: Don't limit yourself. If something interests you, look into it and see if you can make it happen. Assumptions about the world and yourself will only cheat you on experiences that can change you for the better.

Alright, stay tuned for another (hopefully less cheesy) blog post. Also, you can check out Alyssa's blog here:

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